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Why Patient Investor? Why Not Other Names?

So... why this name? Why not other names? 

At first, I wanted to associated something to do with "Margin of Safety" or something "Dividends-related". But I know for sure people will say I am a copy-cat and what not. 

My investment philosophy are mostly investing in dividends and some part of it, value-investing. 

Let me first introduce myself. I first stumbled upon investment pretty late in my life. When I was 27,  my auntie came from Canada and stayed with us for awhile. 

I got curious and I asked her why my Singapore dollars buy different amount of stuff from your Canadian dollars? Aren't they all just paper? 

Her reply changed my life forever; "I don't know."

Thus begin my journey for my investing.

Hold on your horses. I did not ended up where I am today overnight. I may not be an expert, but my cautious nature has saved myself many times and prevent from burning my fingers in Mr. Market. 

I did not start in the stock market too. I begin investing in precious metals. Yes, I am a gold bug. (Still am anyways.) Then after a few months in precious metals, investing in the stock market got hold of me.

Over the period of almost 5 years, I have been really really lucky in my stock-picking in my journey of investments. I did not make any terrible mistakes, and when I do make mistakes, I am able to exit my securities in time just before I got "burnt".

However, I observed myself and I realised that me not being too greedy may not serve me reaping great rewards in the markets so far, but however I have saved myself several times by "smelling blood in the markets" and do the right thing, by selling the shares I think what wasn't right at that point of time. 

I realised, being rational isn't very common in the bulls and bears in the market. I may lack the experiences of many other veterans, but common sense helped me tremendous!

Until then, stay tuned to the next post!   

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